July 18, 2019.
It was a dark and stormy night… it wasn’t that bad. The thunder was interesting as it seemed to bounce or echo from hill to hill or roll through like a train. Luckily the rain eased when we had to hook up the RV and take off. The day was rainy off and on, at times heavy. This was essentially a travel day and we stopped only for fuel and maybe some nibbles. Our stop for the night was Kettle Valley. This was the biggest RV site we have had on the trip. It had to be 100 ft long.
July 19, 2019.
It was quite easy to take off in the morning given our large space. Our goal today was Surrey and we continued on route 3 . There were mountains to climb, passes to go through and mountains to go down. You could always tell when each was coming: “trucks check brakes pull-out” meant down hill, and “put on 4 ways if going slow” meant a big uphill climb (not sure the people behind us couldn’t figure that out). Greg did his amazing job of handling everything.
There were lots of motorcycles on the road. Highway 3 is in great shape as a lot of it has been repaved. (Any motorcyclists out there??). Apparently there was an event and race in Kimberly. We even saw some a couple of “clubs” riding together. Interestingly, they past us with great vigor…several times. We arrived in Surrey at a lovely RV park even though the RVs were crowded in. Can you say “sardines in a tin”? This posed an interesting back up challenge as vehicles were parked along the edge of the narrow road. However Greg aced it.
We spent part of the afternoon and evening with my sister Margery, sitting in the back yard enjoying the sun. She cooked a lovely dinner and introduced us to a beer that we had not previously tried, Hop House 13 Lager by Guinness. It rated fairly high on our scale.