Marion, Greg and Molly Mouse Two From See To See From See Two See: June 19, 2019

From See Two See: June 19, 2019

A wonderful day for a motorcycle ride.  We had no specific plan and some of the turns were planned and others more by chance.  We saw lots of fields, some being harrowed, some didn’t look like they had been planted and others we could see green things coming up. We passed sand dunes, beaches and lots of water. Most of the towns we passed were wonderfully maintained, with lawns that required sit on mowers. There was opportunity everywhere to eat lobster and other assorted seafood. We are convinced that this is probably the best overall motorcycling province in Canada. You can randomly turn onto any paved road and it will have everything to offer from great scenery to hills, valleys, curves, great views, ocean views etc.

Just one of the thousands of beautiful views.

It seemed somewhat serendipitous that when Greg suggested that we stop for a bit of a break that we saw in front of us Cows creamery. Cows makes one of the best ice-cream in Canada (15-16%  milk-fat).  I had Bessie’s Pumpkin Patch and Greg had Caramel Moocchiato. 

Cows Ice Cream Factory

So good. In my next life I am going to be so skinny that I have to eat ice-cream 3 times a day to keep my weight up.  I think I inherited a love of ice-cream from Mum. As we walked around their complex we saw a restaurant that used their cheese in every dish. I tried the grilled cheese sandwich, which was good but not as good as Cathy’s. Greg had macaroni and cheese, which he thought was almost as good as the one he makes. 

Yet another view

After 250km ride we headed back to our motel for a bit of break and then went to explore the sand dunes and beach that we saw earlier. The beaches went on for almost as far as we could see. Didn’t stay too long as it was 27C.

The endless beach

We did do a bit of Christmas shopping. Greg is feeling better as after our walk on the beach I discovered I had lost my glasses.  That’s what I get for shopping.

Molly catching a few beach rays.

When the day cooled off I went for a walk along the boardwalk and discovered that the Acadians lived here in North Rustico in 1790, after the Mi’kmaq. More clues to follow. 
