On the road again! Today was decision day. We have so many places that we would still like to see in Newfoundland and we want to visit St. Pierre and Miquelon. We also realized that there are so many places we want to see in the rest of the country.
We looked at the weather in the various pasts of the province (mostly rainy and windy, really windy). We don’t see the coastal weather getting better anytime soon. What to do. With a lot of regret we decided to work our way back to Port aux Basque and head back to NS. Our goal today was Grand Falls-Windsor, a half way point. However we did take a side trip. We headed to Dildo.
The name of the town was enough reason to go check it out. The other reason was the Dildo Brewery Company. As we waited for the brewery to open we stopped by a craft place and café. We found a book on names of the places in NL. There is the thought that Dido was named because it was built around a prominent promontory that indeed looks like a dildo.
There is no historical evidence to connect the rock and the name. Others suggest it was named for the pegs or pins that fit in the gunnels of a dory or after a town in Portugal or perhaps Spain or is aboriginal in origin meaning still water, or is an anglicization of de l’ile de l’eau (the island with water), etc. The end result is no one really knows. The brewery opened an at 1100 we were sampling beer shortly thereafter. Some I thought weren’t too bad.
We got to Grand Falls- Windsor in good time and as it was a lovely day and we had a bit of a drive around the town and then went for a walk downtown. Reservations made for the ferry. Too late to change our mind.
Way to go! I can smell the air where you are.
We could taste the salt in the air
Too bad it wasn’t warmer but looks like you’re having an amazing trip.
Thanks. Good thing that we didn’t come here seeking the sun. Cold and wet or not, we have fallen in love with Newfoundland and are already plotting our next trip back here.