Marion, Greg and Molly Mouse Two From See To See From See Two See: May 17, 2019

From See Two See: May 17, 2019

– Going to Winnipeg! (Actually we weren’t but couldn’t resist). Just a reminder to all, that our main goal right now is to get to the east coast so we won’t be doing a huge amount of exploring during the transit days.

Near Kenora, Ontario

 The first thing we saw today was a big semi on its side.  Greg figured that it went around the corner too fast. No ambulances were there so hopefully no one was hurt.  The first part of the day was mostly farm land and lots of grain fields. Again seeding was taking place. A few people were out harrowing (I was so pleased as I actually know about harrowing from my growing up years in the country in NB). 

Davy Lake

A sign along the road told us we were in the middle of Canada (96°48’35″W). Won’t Torontonians be surprised?  Didn’t expect that.  Maybe they didn’t include Newfoundland. I do understand that Nunavut makes a similar claim.  Another place we put on our bucket list (pun intended) was Newdale, MN; home of  Manitoba’s official dirt. Again who knew that some provinces had more than official flowers and flags.  We were driving along with the open fields and it seemed that we went around a corner and the whole landscape changed. The soil didn’t appear as rich, and trees seemed to spring up everywhere. While this isn’t a new phenomenon it always strikes me and I wonder why not a gradual change as opposed to this abrupt one. I can picture some large geological event happening. As we headed into Ontario the landscape was dotted with lakes and varied and assorted cottages and small towns.

The black spots are little flies.

We made a brief stop in Kenora and drove our 38 ft trailer and 22 ft truck (roughly) through the old town narrow streets.  Beautiful country.  I wondered if Ken Dryden came from Dryden?? Our stop for the night was Davy Lake Campground in Ignace.  We were the pretty much the only people in the campground. Davy Lake was a small but pretty lake and one could easily go canoeing and swimming.

It was sunny, but still very cool
Today’s route


4 thoughts on “From See Two See: May 17, 2019”

  1. We’ve been through Ignace! not so far from Upsala:). Love the feel of the Canadian Shield, bare, worn rock, scrubby trees, lots of water. And bush.

    1. Yup. Some pretty country through here. One of the few breaks from the cloud and wind was through this area. Quite pretty.

    1. Black flies weren’t that bad. I think it was still too cold for many of them to be out.
      We have not been able to break out of the wind, cloudy sky, and cold temperatures. Latitude to latitude we are about 450 kilometers south of Edmonton and there is still a lot of snow in places.

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