EmAndGee; Two From See to See (Coming up with a name was part of the way we entertained ourselves as we drove along… hokey but would you expect anything different from us). On the days we travel we may or may not have internet access at the campgrounds and we may be just plain tired, so the travel days may or may not have a blog entry. At the bottom of the page there is a box labeled “Notify me of new posts by email.” Click on the box and you will then receive a notice when we post a new blog. That way you don’t have to be checking in all the time.

It is early and I look out the window and it is raining. Rats. Greg and I had chatted about loading the motorcycle Tuesday but as we had the annual meeting for our condo in the evening we decided to do it Wednesday morning but not in the rain.

Luckily the rain stopped and the motorcycle got loaded and the RV hooked up and off we went. Once we turned onto the road the showers started and continued off and on most of the day. Our goal today is Saskatoon. Greg had worked in Saskatoon many years ago but I had never really seen Saskatchewan. I had travelled through the province on a train and had been here when helping assess people who were considering ordination. All of this was years ago. I expected to see predominantly flat land and lots of fields used for growing grains. I was not disappointed. There was also some evidence of involvement in oil, especially around Lloydminster. We had one “interesting” event- we stopped for fuel and as Greg was moving the RV to a parking place the design of the RV, big deck on the truck, an extremely long semi trailer, a sharp turn and a massive pot hole all conspired to have part of our truck make contact with the RV. Fortunately damage was minimal and could be covered up with one of our travel decals.

When we got to Gordon Howe Campground (quite lovely) and I was doing some inside things I discovered that 3 shelves in the pantry collapsed due to crappy clips. Greg, his drill and a bunch of screws he found in his tool kit took care of that. Helps to have a creative and handy sweetie.
