Marion, Greg and Molly Mouse The Enterprise Logan’s Run & Three Flags Classic – September 1, 2018

Logan’s Run & Three Flags Classic – September 1, 2018

Its almost 11:00 pm and I’m just starting this so unfortunately it will be a lot shorter than I had hoped given the route, the ride, the weather, and the sights.

Due to the weather and a couple of other factors, we elected to take a route through Monticello, past Arches and Moab.

The ride was spirited and long and spectacular.   I led the entire day dodging  storm after storm after storm.  From our hotel this morning to checkpoint 2 was exactly 999.9 km.  Long hard day for a bunch of old guys, but we did it.


Stopped briefly in Rifle Wyoming and discovered that the lightning storms had triggered at least 9 wildfires and struck a diesel storage tank causing it to explode.

At checkpoint 2 it was discovered that somehow at checkpoint 1, my event passport got switched with a fellow named Brian.  So we have frantically been exchanging text messages trying to figure out how we can meet up to swap.

Time to put on the rain gear.



Next door to tonight’s motel in Rawlins Wyoming is a place called Penny’s Diner. The exterior and interior look exactly as you would expect them to.  The staff really work there buns off. The food was fresh and tasty.  If you are ever in Rawlins, you must stop in and ask for Kenny Miles. Kenny makes one of the BEST chocolate malted shakes I have had in decades.  When you do stop for one of these malted shakes, either bring a friend or a really big appetite because it is one HUGE serving.


Anyhow, can’t keep my eyes open anymore, so good night to all.

