Marion, Greg and Molly Mouse The Enterprise Logan’s Run & Three Flags Classic – August 26, 2018

Logan’s Run & Three Flags Classic – August 26, 2018

Today was a regroup and reset day in preparation for the next series of legs.  Larry and I took advantage of the chance to do a little local exploring and treat ourselves to a Starbucks.

Clear skies, minimal haze, temperature quickly climbed to the 30 degree mark.

We learned today about how serious the water shortage problem is in Utah.  Some communities have stopped issuing development permits as they simply can not supply water beyond the current demand.  There just isn’t more water to supply.  Here is just one of the numerous news articles.

Utah is running out of water

Early this afternoon the door bell rang.  Darryl and Jim arrived.  They had been on the driveway for about half and hour thinking no one was home. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFortunately they were in the shade. Of course, Larry and I had been in the house relaxing in the beautiful air conditioned home the entire time.


Now we are almost all here except Deryl (yes, two of them with different spelling) and Deleyne. In the mean time the afternoon was dedicated to getting the communications systems to function with the addition of the new riders and their equipment.  So here we are, in 30 degree temperatures, wearing shorts, t-shirts, sandals, AND our helmets, holding either cell phones with the com-system instructions, or little instruction books, walking up and down the street to put space between us while linking the com- systems. The neighbours couldn’t help but give us strange looks and wonder what we were up to.


Had a great time at supper where Larry, Deryl & Darryl (yes really) … and Jim, all got carded before they could have a beer. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Somehow our server, Cass, got the idea that it was Jim’s birthday.  So the staff made him sit on a saddle that was on a sawhorse and made him swing a napkin around his head like a lasso while they recited their particular in house chant.

Back at Deleyne’s, the rest of the evening was occupied by drawing lines on maps and then x-ing them out and putting new lines on the same map, punching things into the GPSes that the GPSes didn’t want to understand, and Of Course, eating ice cream.

Deleyne, we are AMAZED at warmth and hospitality you have shared with us and that you opened your home to us.

Thank You so Much from Larry, Deryl & Darryl, Jim and Greg

